Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Gas balloon (helium balloon)

Gas balloon

(helium balloon)
helium for balloons
A balloon gas is higher in the balloon with a gas lighter than air or lighter than air, such as helium or hydrogen must be filled. A balloon as the inventor of gas may be Charlie, Frenchman Jacques Charles. Today, gas balloons airships family festivals great and small rubber balloon. Zeppelin airships (not balloons) as the dominant form of the airship moves.
The gas balloon made its first flight in the month of August 1783 Designed by Professor Jacques Charles and brothers Robert, it was not for passengers or cargo. On 1 December 1783, the second balloon filled with hydrogen has a manned flight, piloted by Jacques Charles and Nicolas-Louis Robert, 10 days after the first manned flight in a hot air balloon.

The next project of Jacques Charles and "The Brothers Robert" was the Caroline, a gear rotatable elongated following the proposals of John the Baptist Meusnier of an airship, or balloon inside (air cells), and a rudder is a method propulsion. The September 19, 1784, the brothers and Mr. Collin-Hullin flew for 6 hours and 40 minutes for 186 km from Paris, near Bethune, Beuvry. This was the first flight over 100 km.

Gas cylinders remained popular during the time of the first powered flight. You could fly higher and farther the ball, but were still more dangerous, because usually filled with hydrogen gas (in contrast to helium, could be easily produced by mass production). Gas cylinders used in the Civil War by Thaddeus Lowe. They were in the Napoleonic Wars (in a very small scale), Century 19 and shown by amateurs and artists, used by Blanchard.

Gas balloons became popular in Europe, including Germany, with hydrogen as carrier gas. There are many clubs in the gas balloon launch sites around the country with well-organized and well-defined infrastructure, relatively easy to fly. According to the estimates of 150 drivers of gas assets in Europe. On the contrary, could gas balloon in the United States more than 30 active pilots who usually fly only once a year, the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta in October. This is mainly due to the extremely high cost of helium (~ $ 8,000 for a single flight in 2008), the carrier gas that pilots must use the majority of Americans, thanks to the design of their balloons. This began to change with the introduction of hydrogen as a lifting gas, but there are still only a handful of hydrogen value of balloons in the country. The community of German gas, a valuable resource for learning to fly balloons American drivers of gas and skills in working with hydrogen as carrier gas. Many drivers of gas in the United States have been and are practice flights, while in Germany.

helium for balloons

Tuesday, August 2, 2011



Helium is a chemical element with atomic number 2 and an atomic mass of 4.002602, which is the symbol. It 'a colorless, odorless, tasteless, nontoxic, monatomic inert gas, which leads to the group of noble gases in the periodic table. Its boiling and melting points are the lowest among the elements, and only exists as a gas except in extreme conditions. In addition to hydrogen, is the second most abundant element in the universe, and accounts for 24% of the primary mass of our galaxy.

Spectral signature of an unknown yellow line in the sun was observed for the first time a solar eclipse in 1868 by French astronomer Jules Janssen. Janssen is in common with the discovery of the element with Norman Lockyer, who has observed the same eclipse and was the first to propose that the line with a new element called helium credited. In 1903, large reserves of helium in natural gas fields in some parts of the United States, has been by far the largest gas supplier.

Helium is used in cryogenics (I use the largest single investment, which is about one quarter of production), in particular the cooling of superconducting magnets, with the main application in the commercial MRI scanner. Other industrial applications such as pressure helium gas purge and protective atmosphere for processes such as arc welding and crystal growth of silicon wafers to make half of its use. Economically, the small, like gas balloons and airships lifting are popularly known [2]. Like all gases with different densities of air, inhalation of a small amount of helium temporarily changes the timbre and quality of the human voice. In scientific research, the behavior of two liquid phases of the study helium-4, helium I and helium II, researchers in quantum mechanics (in particular the phenomenon of superfluidity) and the importance of the effects that temperatures near absolute zero on matter (such as superconductivity).

Helium is the second lightest element and is the second most common in the observable universe, in which the universe, in masses more than 12 times higher than that of heavier elements combined. Its abundance is also similar to our Sun and Jupiter. This is due to the high bond energy (per nucleon) of helium-4 in relation to the following three elements after helium (lithium, beryllium and boron). This energy helium-4 is also binding for the community both as a product of nuclear fusion and radioactive decay. Most helium in the universe is helium-4, and is likely to be created during the Big Bang. Some new helium is created as a result of nuclear fusion of hydrogen in stars more than 0.5 solar masses.

On Earth, the lightness of helium causes the evaporation of clouds of gas and dust from which planets condensed, is relatively rare-0, 00 052% by volume in the atmosphere. Most terrestrial helium is present through the natural radioactive decay of heavy radioactive elements (uranium and thorium), such as alpha particles emitted by the decay as created by the nuclei of helium-4. This radiogenic helium is trapped with natural gas in concentrations of up to 7% by volume, of which he won in the trade called a process of cryogenic separation by fractional distillation.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Mounted or static helium balloon

Mounted or static Helium Balloon

Passengers tied balloons were very popular in France in the 19 st Century.

The first ball of the modern era was in France, Chateau de Chantilly in 1994, made by Aerophile SA. The best known was in Paris (1999), Berlin (since 2000), Angkor Wat in Cambodia (since 2002), Istanbul (since 2003), Disneyland Resort Paris (since 2005), The Wild Animal Park, San Diego Zoo (2005), Ocean Park Hong Kong (since 2007), the Orange County Great Park in Irvine (California) (2007), October-East Shenzhen (China) (2008), Conner Prairie, Indiana (from 2009) and Downtown Disney Orlando (since 2009). Aerophile SA has installed more than 50 balloons in 25 countries. Several million people have flown in them. Aerophile SA manages four of them in the United States and France and is the largest airline easier than ever with 300,000 passengers a year.

A helium balloon Montecasino South Africa is close to the bird garden. The trip takes more than 120 passengers on Fourways.

Lindstrand Technologies has 30 balloons in 18 countries. Lindstrand Lindstrand Technologies is for you, with Sir Richard Branson, was the first person who led the Pacific Ocean in a balloon cross.

Attached to the last item in the world of balloons "Ahmedabad Eye" was [2010], who participated as a new feature will be installed at Lake Kankaria Ahmedabad, India, the place of millions of people after her transformation into a theme park .

Aero Balloon, Inc. integrates the technologies of modern yacht design used to build the balloon gondola, AB-20, carrying over 1,000 passengers a day at Navy Pier in Chicago. The modern car is lighter than steel composite cable gondolas conventional and require less helium to lift their entire load. Douglas Hare Aero ball is kept is lighter than air and ultralight aviation pilots. aircraft was flying balloons in stadiums and parks, including New York City Central Park, Boston Common, and Discovery Green, Houston.

The world's largest helium balloon in the Conner Prairie in Indiana.

Helium Balloon